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Annihilation – Movie Review


By now you may have heard the hype over what has been called “The best sci-fi film in years” by many, after hearing this over and over again I jumped on good old Netflix as soon as I could.
I was fairly excited at the potential of this movie as I am a huge fan of the director  Alex Garland’s other works, the likes of  28 Days Later, Sunshine and Ex Machina are among some of my top movies for viewing (granted my top movies for viewing is a never-ending list) so I was excited for this his latest work.

As I sat through this beautifully shot and aesthetically pleasing movie I almost felt that it was lacking something, something that you feel when you sit down to a film like Sunshine or Ex Machina, something that brought you into the films Garland would be involved in, his work usually seems to make you question certain things, make you feel as though there is a moralistic lesson to be learnt or something to continue thinking about after the end of the film, personally i didn’t feel that connection with Annihilation.
The film is thought provoking and does have you questioning throughout, but it gives you the answers just as quick, there is an element of mind fuckery but if you just wait a tiny bit longer you are put at ease.
Personally, I think your hand is held a little too much, not allowing you to stray from the path, unless you are really not paying attention and you just walk straight off into ‘huh?’.
That is not to say that this movie is not interesting and at times exciting, the story has a few flaws where I found myself asking… “Why haven’t they tried this or that” or “yeah buuuut, really?” .. but all in all it was an enjoyable adventure with one or two jump scares (i use that term lightly as not so much scares, more jump wow), I would say that Annihilation is a good movie and well worth a watch if you are into the sci-fi side of theater but one of the Greatest sci-fi films in years? hmmm well visually yes.
The mix between CGI and practical effects is brilliant nothing CGI looked too obvious (apart from the fact you knew that had to be CGI) and blended well and the environment along with the lighting really adds to a world of confusion on top of stunning beauty mixed with mind-numbing science.

I think the character development is another one of the highlights of this film, nothing was forced down your throat and you weren’t just given all the information via an expositional phone call or the likes of.
There are hints and clues to certain pieces of information littered within the background of cutscenes and you are slowly drip-fed the ‘need to know stuff’ when you need to know it leaving enough suspense and ‘oh right’ moments.
I didn’t bond with any of the characters, I wasn’t willing them along or getting upset or annoyed at their actions and mishaps, but I felt like I learnt about them at a pace that was manageable and really only when was needed.

The Story is easily spoiled so I won’t go into detail but the gist of it is Natalie Portman’s character Lena, (a biologist and former soldier) going in search of answers to her husbands fate Kane played by Oscar Isaac, after he was sent on a mission into what is called ‘The Shimmer’, an event of unknown origins which nobody returns from.
All the characters play solid roles and are convincing enough, not too much more can be said without giving away too much.

Would I suggest watching this film? Yes, even if you are not a fan of sci-fi I think you will be able to appreciate what Annihilation brings. Do I think this is one of the best sci-fi films in years.. personally no, it is beautiful and it has a plot. Would I watch this movie again? no, it is worth a watch, but a watch is enough.

Have you seen it?
Let us know what you think in the comments..

Cast :

Natalie Portman
Oscar Isaac
Jennifer Jason Leigh
Tuva Novotny
Gina Rodriguez
Tessa Thompson
Benedict Wong
Sonoya Mizuno
David Gyasi
Director :

Alex Garland

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Scott White


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