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Preview – Agents of Mayhem

There are many different kinds of Sandbox-y, open world style games. Some, like Grand Theft Auto V, try to make the world and characters modern and believable, at least in the story. Others, like the Assassin’s Creed franchise, dig into specific areas of history as a mechanism to tell a piece of a story through a familiar but evolving platform.

And then there was Saint’s Row, a franchise that was its own special thing exactly because it was unashamedly over the top entertainment. Particularly episodes 3 & 4 stood out as examples of Volition’s care-free attitude towards being anchored to reality in order to focus on providing an entertaining and fun experience. Unfortunately, the last standalone expansion for the series – Gat out of Hell, was a bit of a mixed bag and by that point, they’d kind of hit the end of the road with the over-the-top level that they’d taken it to.

So, what do you do when you want to keep the good times rolling? You crowbar canon to fit your purpose and jump into the future of course! This is effectively what Agents of Mayhem is – it’s got the staple of Volition, the Ultor corporation in the mix, and it takes place in a futuristic realisation of Seoul, South Korea, and there’s a story in there somewhere, but who cares?

Here’s the latest, Knight Rider inspired trailer to whet your appetite if you’re hearing about this one for the first time!

Did you play any of the original Saint’s Row games? Are you excited about this spiritual successor? I’ll be keeping an eye on this one and hopefully, we’ll be bringing you a review closer to the release date in August this year.

Get involved in the comments below!

– Dave

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Gaming & Technology Editor at The Empire Digital Media Ltd.
Gadget fiend, maker of beer, technology enthusiast, and Dad of three, Dave enjoys trying to protect expensive gadgets from the destructive power of tiny people, and frequently fails.

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