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Unreal Engine 4 – Something to kill time

Hey Guys,

I’ve been training and recovering over the weekend and with one week left to my fight, I’ve decided to do some playing around in Unreal Engine 4 to see if I could do anything fun with it.

It takes a little bit of getting used to and I should really have a look through the tutorials but trial and error works well for me most of the time and here is a 5 sec clip that I managed to put together of a hallway I made.

You can get some pretty cool, free assets that you can add into the engine which helps you to create beautiful worlds or scenes and add some pretty cool characters in as well.

Definitely the hardest part I’ve found so far is adding animations to a skeleton mesh so that it sits at idle, but I think that there is a bit of work I have to do behind the scenes for that one, so maybe I’ll tackle that one further down the track and stick with environments for now.

There are some pretty cool fan-made creations using Unreal Engine 4 such as this DBZ creation:

Or if you have a hard on for Ocarina of Time like I do, you can check this project below:

I’m looking forward to learning a little bit more about this program and game development in general and hopefully I can see something cool come out of it at the end of the day.



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