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Here’s our offical coverage of Armageddon Expo 2017, This is one of our favourite events each year and it seems to only get bigger and better.

We were hoping to get more cosplay coverage but perhaps next year we’l have a go at making something for someone in the crew and properly entering the competitions and festivities.

Needless to say we had a blast as we always do at any Armageddon event

Official Event Coverage

Webisode #39 – Broken Old F#*KS – Behind the scenes of Armageddon weekend

And be sure to subscribe as most everything you see at Armageddon that we covered we will be getting hands on with as its released and making videos or write up’s about it

And follow us on Instagram!

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Empire motoring Journalist, Vlogger and general larakin. Pro food and lifting heavy things.



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