Home / Food & Drink / Avocadopocalypse – The Dark Truth Behind Avocados

Avocadopocalypse – The Dark Truth Behind Avocados

They have been called gods butter and miracle food, but the worldwide demand is pushing the avocado industry to bring about the downfall of the countries producing them. Check out the amazing animated infographic vid below from the Facts in motion channel.

(Full disclosure: the term Smashed Avocado makes me terribly angry. Is it made of glass? No then it’s avocado on toast, unless you put the whole avocado on toast and hit it with a sledgehammer it’s just avocado on toast. The process of you putting it on toast requires some mashing. The situation of the avocado being attached to the toast are not unclear.)


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Empire motoring Journalist, Vlogger and general larakin. Pro food and lifting heavy things.

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