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Commodore VXR – Revealed

So chaps,

this is what has become of the Holden Commodore.

Now as a commodore owner and fan for some time, this hits me right in the feels and i find it somewhat offensive. This might be due to the fact that what used to be a muscle car we could somewhat call our own, has become a european sedan for the masses. Now in itself, that’s not exactly a bad thing, some wonderful sedans have come out of europe over the years; the part that sucks is the trade off.

We’ve given up big strong might LS engines for a small, v6 9 speed all wheel drive.

Now lets think for a minute that, that could be almost Audi-ish, that could be awesome right? I mean if you owned a current SSV Rediline and someone came up and offered you a current S4 you’d raise an eyebrow at the least I’m sure. But that’s not seemingly whats on offer.

Granted we need to get behind the wheel and really give one of these a good going over hopefully get that up on The Open Road soonish. but lets for now look at it as what it is.

3.6 V6 with 235kw and 318nM. 9 speed Auto. All wheel drive, Twin clutch rear diff? torque vectoring. and a heap of other features which are pretty nifty yet standardized on most decent Euros these days. like lane assist and adaptive cruise control

The inside looks pretty much as expected nothing wild yet, It will be interesting to see where HSV take something like this in the future however.

Well, ok so its not an Aussie Muscle car anymore and that sucks. but when we get our hands on it, it’l be really testing of my skills to remember that’s now no longer what we can compare this car to.

Stay tuned for updates on that

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Empire motoring Journalist, Vlogger and general larakin. Pro food and lifting heavy things.



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