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The Empire Media Group

The Empire Media Group was founded by Nick Scott in 2016 Our goal is, and always will be, about creating good honest content to interest Kiwi’s with authentic product reviews, exciting vlogs and a host of other streams of online entertainment and amusement.

Housing some of the country’s most popular and successful social pages, from the highly engaged NZBlokes to the massive Mean Bro, “The Empire” has carved its way to the forefront of online entertainment in New Zealand.

Click here to download the electronic press kit and learn more about how you can advertise with, or align your brand to “The Empire”.

The Empire” is home to a number of Content Creators with a wide range of interests and expertise, There isn’t much we won’t tackle. Our ethos has always been to try things out and relay our findings in an honest and transparent way, with the goal being to build trust in the community that we call a spade a spade, Always.

Case Study – Meatstock

We have been involved with Meatstock since it came to our shores, and for the 2020 Event we did a combination of marketing for the event.

Leading upto the event, we posted a teaser video which alone got 155,000 views, and follow up videos putting the view count over 200,000. We plugged the event in the cooking show ” Mean Eats” on multiple occasions and of course filmed our adventure at the event itself.

The event sold out and was the most attended it had ever been.


Mental Health initiative Wind Therapy

Hungry Wolf Motorcycles and NZ Blokes announce Wind Therapy initiative supporting mental health through biking

The Empire Media Group today announces its new mental health initiative, Wind Therapy. After struggling with mental health for many years, the founder of this initiative, Nic Scott, found support through his riding community and wants to share this same support to Kiwis who need it.

Wind Therapy encourages Kiwis to experience the world of Motorcycling, Aside from the actual joy of riding, there is so much more to it, from the community you’ll be a part of to the tinkering with your machine and working with your hands. You’ll make life long friends with the shared joy of being a motorcycle rider.

More on that here

Engagement is Everything

It’s nice to have big numbers, and we sure have those. What’s important is the people that see your content actually care enough to engage with it.

Our engagement across the board is 10 times or more than the industry standard.

Here you can see the percentage of people that Saw content from this page, and then interacted with it. This page only has 14,000 people on it and was seen by over triple that number.

Even on our larger pages we still have amazing interactions with our content, as you can see here.

During the Release of the Playstation 5 which was one of the most talked about releases of 2020, our engagement was more than 3 of the top industry pages COMBINED!

Our amazing engagement comes from the fact that we are real and upfront with our community, its no more complicated than that. We are open and honest with everything we do and people appreciate that. the days of shilling products with pretty pictures are done.

* For up-to-date website and social media statistics and pricing contact us via Email *

Other Services we offer

    • Social Media
    • Tutoring for small to medium Business
    • Mentoring for individuals (Self-employed)
    • Project management for Strategic Campaigns
    • As well as
    • Content Creation
    • Video Production
    • Photography


We created this series of 3 films for Ben Kaye of Shipshape Tattoo, At the time due to Covid travel was not an option so we took on the production of 3 seminar films to share Ben’s knowledge and skillset with a digital download package. The package sold past the break-even point on teasers alone and has been a huge success since!

Product shots for Jeep NZ

Talk to us

Email: nic@theempire.nz
Phone: 0211120180



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Empire motoring Journalist, Vlogger and general larakin. Pro food and lifting heavy things.