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Miss Tattoo 2017


The following information serves as an official application for entry in to the 7th Annual Miss Tattoo NZ Competition, to take place at the International Tattoo & Art Expo on the 18th of February, 2017.

Wardrobe Guidelines:

The Miss Tattoo New Zealand Competition consists of three wardrobe changes, during which each contestant will be judged in the following categories; personality, poise, and overall appearance.

Round 1: Street wear/Casual – this is an introduction to who you are, casual fun, which will be accompanied with basic questions such as: Tell us a little about you, name, occupation etc. (then an hour break)
Round 2: Personality Plus – This shows us who you are! Costume fun, open to show us all about you! Are you a mum? A baker? A fitness addict? Got a special talent? Can you hoola hoop? Can you down a beer in 10 seconds? Can you do a walking handstand? Show us!! Questions in this round will be about your outfit, to give you a chance to explain to us who you are. (break while burlesque performances are on)
Round 3 – Show us your tats!!! – This is open again to wear whatever shows your tattoos the most! Be a swim suit or bikini? Hot pants and a crop top? Show us your beautiful ink. Questions in this round will surround your tattoos, what is your fav, which was your first, which has the most meaning. (short break while judges convene, winner announced)

Please read the following Wardrobe conditions before returning entries:

Contestants are expected to provide their own costumes.

While we will provide changing facilities, contestants are responsible for providing their own mirrors/any other such item required in preparing for the event.

Miss Tattoo NZ and The International Tattoo & Art Expo take no responsibility for lost or stolen items at the event, please keep an eye on your belongings at all times.

Previous Winners

Miss Tattoo 2016 Lacey


Gaia Rose


Prizes will Include

Cash Money
Photoshoot with Phil Bailey Photograhpy
Tattoo Vouchers.

More TBC


Nadine Marriott – Black Pearl Studios
World class tattoo artist from New Zealand, Nadine has a great eye for quality work

Phil Bailey:
World Class photographer who has shot the most beautiful models in New Zealand with a keen eye for beauty and grace

Evana Patterson:
Former Miss Universe NZ Director, Model Scout and Pageant coach will find the best of the best!

3rd judge from the tattoo community TBC

Your Hosts Miss Gaia Rose, former Miss Tattoo and Nick Scott, Director of Empire Media Group

Etiquette Policy

The Miss Tattoo NZ competition is a celebration of the beauty of the tattooed female form. Although the audience is generally expected to be adults, the family-friendly nature of the venue means that the event is open to all ages. This competition is designed to be a classy and tasteful aspect of a larger tattoo convention. Appropriate behaviour is expected of our contestants for the entirety of the event.

For this reason, we have created the following regulations for those
participating in this event. The Miss Tattoo NZ competition expects and requires the following rules of etiquette to be adhered to by all participants. Failure to abide by these rules, as judged by the staff of Miss Tattoo NZ competition, may be grounds for immediate disqualification from the event.
Public nudity is prohibited.
Visible intoxication during the event is prohibited.
Visible intoxication during the entire Expo is prohibited.
Inappropriate fraternizing with the judges is prohibited.
Apparel must be appropriate for a family event. (See above)
Obscene or offensive behaviour or inappropriate language will not be tolerated.

Rules and Regulations

The Miss Tattoo Competition requires that the following conditions should be met by all applicants to qualify as a contestant for Miss Tattoo New Zealand 2017. Failure to meet these conditions will be based on the judgment and sole discretion of competition staff.

The Miss Tattoo 2017 Competition is only open to females.

Entrants must be 18 years of age or older at the time of registration.

3 . Entrants must have their body tattooed.

If the amount of tattoo coverage you have on your body is up for debate, your eligibility to participate will be at the sole discretion of the organisers.

The odds of winning depend on number of eligible entries received.
Competition rules and regulations are subject to change without notice.

Information for contestants:

There is no application fee for advanced entry into this competition.
Please include the following along with your signed entry documents:

Entrants are required to fill out the following and send it back with at least 3 images – just copy and past into a new email to – subject “Miss Tattoo”

Model and Media Release

As a participant in The Miss Tattoo NZ Competition:

I, ______________________, do authorize, The Miss Tattoo New Zealand Competition and The International Tattoo and Art Expo, the irrevocable right to use my name (or any fictional name), picture, portrait, photograph, and video footage in all forms and in all media and all manners, any restriction as to changes or alterations (including but not limited to composite or distorted representations or derivative works in any medium) for advertising, video broadcast, trade, promotion, exhibition, or any lawful purposes, and I waive any right to inspect or approve the photograph(s) and/or video footage or finished versions incorporating the photograph(s) and/or video footage, including written copy that may be created and appear in connection with these.

Show information can be found here –> http://tattooexpo.co.nz/

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Empire motoring Journalist, Vlogger and general larakin. Pro food and lifting heavy things.



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