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Samsung SSD T5 – Review

So, you think all portable hard drives are created equal? think again

Samsung sent me this T5 unit ( 500GB) to review.

At First when I got the email I wasn’t overly excited, I do use these kinda drives all the time, at the moment its a storage soultion and a way to keep files on back up when traveling. On top of that I do carry around a drive when I’m traveling with a heap of resources like music, titles and things of that nature so I can edit on my laptop and get videos up on the fly.


This package turns up, I open it up and the first thing I noticed was the size, this thing is tiny! its pretty much the same dimensions as a credit card 57mmx74mm and about 10 mm thick. That blew my mind they can make them this small now, It’s not uncommon to use SATA technology to put a normal SSD in a case and bam there’s your drive. This uses V-NAND technology which of course is much smaller much like m.2 SSD’s now being found in High end gaming PC’s . I couldn’t find a way to open it up and look inside but I’m guessing from the pictures its much like M.2

It also comes with management / security software, I didn’t try that out but I would expect most people wouldn’t bother? I guess its a nice to have these days if you want to keep those Happy Humpday pics to yourself and your snapchatters. Personally I don’t mind who see’s mine

The package comes with a USB – Type C and a Type C to type C cable, and the drive itself uses a type C connector, which for those of you use to older systems might find it new and exciting, however given many phones / gopros and things like that now use Type C as standard it’s going to become more a part of your life as you acquire new tech.

The Pros

Well, of course its very very small less than half the size and weight of the current drives I use so that makes it great for traveling you can unload footage / images etc and keep em safe when your camera fills up. It’s also pretty quick, we didn’t achieve the claimed 540 Mb/s but we did get over 300 on an older/ out dated PC that it was tested on, so you shouldn’t find any dramas if you’re offloading for storage or grabbing things back to the system for editing etc. it’s claimed to have shock resistance but we’ve not tested that cause I kinda want to keep it haha.

The cons

The really only draw back with this is the price. I asked about the pricing as I was genuinely interested in purchasing a 2TB unit to have as part of my every day carry when out filming and such, but at $1499.00 I found it pretty hard to justify that kinda spend. the 1TB coming in at $759.00 which would still be able to carry what I want is an option however the 500GB tested only $379.00 – most 1 TB portable HDDs kick off around $120 and go up from there, your sea-gates etc. oh which I have about 10 all up – full of old footage and projects

This is much cooler, much smaller and very quick.. it’s a great little unit that I would love to own however can’t justify the price for myself.

For more information check their website for details – SAMSUNG NEW ZEALAND

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Empire motoring Journalist, Vlogger and general larakin. Pro food and lifting heavy things.



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