Well shit,
This isn’t easy… this is like getting back with your ex after shes been fucking someone else or something its a weird feeling trying to force the relationship back into an altered situation under new conditions …
Firstly before we get stuck in, the fact this is on an uncommon platform for most kiwi’s means this is almost 100% gona be watched illegally and you’re all very bad people, very bad indeed…
But that kept in mind..
Bit by bit, the intro with the Mustangs was pretty awesome I liked the emotional element and it hooked me in right away like I was back with the old gang and we were off to do some dumb shit like we used to.. I was actually grinning with them knowing something awesome was coming.. the burning man thing threw me a bit but we came back again.. as a side note It was awesome how chuffed May was when he was introduced you could see how fuckin stoked he was to be doing what he loves, they all were, but yeah..
The Montage they put in of what they are getting up to in the first season basically is RIP Top Gear this is gona be awesome and ya’l fucked up, keep in mind Top Gear was a Billion dollar brand and by far the biggest cash cow for the BBC
The idea of the tent on the road going around the world is pretty awesome I reckon, they still have the ability to do the hanging with fans but now all over the world, so I’m keen to go when they come to New Zealand..
As for kicking off the first Movie with a P1 vs 918 vs La Ferrari I mean, you couldn’t not do something that epic and it was as good as you would expect, It was a bit of a shame the Ferrari was left out a bit but hey gota have the laughs against poor old May…
the first few gags poking fun at the old series were hit and miss, killing off the guests seemed a bit lame I think, like I get why they included the segment but to add in it but not actually do it .. I’ll reserve judgement for coming episodes..
The New Track… well shit.. what a let down.. looks shit and wont be as exciting and the over selling of how dangerous it was just made me like the track even less.. I hope they upgrade to a better track somewhere else that more track-ish…
Mike fucking Skinner… I’d rather they just did another stig type non talking just show us the numbers or didnt even give a personality to, that said I think this guy was left out when they were hanging out personalities anyway.. I hope hes fired soon so far hes the weakest link..
the whole bit about the Air force was a bit lame, didnt really need to drag it out that much, and that was the peak of the trying too hard which they didnt need to do because these 3 are the most entertaining when they are at their least scripted..
Anywho, let us know what you thought in the comments
I’m looking forward to the next episode hoping they find their groove and get back to doing what they do best!
– Nick
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