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This Town – Movie Giveaway!

Hey Team,

We’ve got some passes to go see ” This Town” at the movies

The film tells the story of a young man, acquitted of murder and the cop hell bent on proving his guilt. Its a dark comedy but good fun and stars David White as the lead with Robyn Malcom and Rima Te Wiata starting as well. Check out the trailer here

If you want to score yourself a Double pass to see this in cinemas – All you have to do is Email us with the subject ” This Town” to comps@theempire.nz And we will put you in the draw!

Just make sure before entering that you’re of age to see the film, and are based in New Zealand as the tickets will only work in New Zealand.

Tickets / giveaway supplied by 818 – they will be posting out the tickets

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Empire motoring Journalist, Vlogger and general larakin. Pro food and lifting heavy things.



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