Home / Featured / Wellington on a plate – Chasing the holy grail of Burgers

Wellington on a plate – Chasing the holy grail of Burgers

So as ya’l know,

We traveled to Wellington to stay with Steve for Wellington on a Plate, particularly the 2nd half of the month long food festival which focuses on Burgers.

Over 240 entrants this year from cafes’ and restaurants from all over the greater Wellington area have put their minds to creating something interesting and tasty and awesome. We set our selves the task of finding the best. Now 240 burgers in a week is not easy, so we looked through the listings and picked our top 50

This video has thus become a series as its just too much to fit into one video, I’ll add the parts as I edit and upload them

Part 1.

Part 2.

Part 3.

And make sure you keep an eye on our instagram for more food goodness!

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Empire motoring Journalist, Vlogger and general larakin. Pro food and lifting heavy things.



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