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Boys Don’t Cry – Vlog with Evana


A good friend sent this message as a response to this vlog

Just watched your vlog on.

This is a vid I did a year ago about faceing one of my biggest demons and coming to terms with my mind.

I have mild schizophrenia, extreme bi-polar, insomnia and a range of other things that doctors have labeled me.
I have attempted suicide more times than I would like to admit, abused every drug and solvent I could buy or steal .
I cry most nights, I fear people, I’m scared to do anything because was trained to be wrong, I kept my rape and other abuses to my self from age 7 to around 15 when I had a severe mental breakdown.

At 15 I told my then best friend what I went through and through fear of his own he rejected me and never spoke to me again, the church I want to told their youth group that 90% of men who are sexually abused will turn into rapists.
I feared the people I was around and the church I was at, I feared everyone and never spoke again until I met my son’s mother, out of fear I destroyed our relationship and myself.

I still cry most nights as I am currently, I have night terrors that cause me to fear sleep, I have woken many times to my bed saturated because I was that scared.

I speak openly about everything because I have found so many men that are scared to talk, scared to admit they cry and scared to admit they are human.

I watched your vlog with a year in my eye knowing that finally people are willing to address this properly and not just use it as a gimmick.

Sorry for the rant.
I respect you alot Nic, thank you.

Much love Scott for sending that. its good to know people have the strength to speak out

NEW ZEALAND National helplines:

*Lifeline – 24 hour counselling – 0800 543 354

*Suicide Crisis Helpline – 0508 828 865 (0508 TAUTOKO)

*Depression Helpline – 0800 111 757

**Anxiety phone line – 0800 269 4389 (0800 ANXIETY)

*Healthline – 0800 611 116

*Samaritans – 0800 726 666

*Capri Hospital 0800 227 741

Helplines for children and young people:

Youthline – 0800 376 633, free text 234 or email talk@youthline.co.nz

thelowdown.co.nz – or email team@thelowdown.co.nz or free text 5626

What’s Up – 0800 942 8787 (for 5–18 year olds). Phone counselling is available Monday to Friday, 1pm–10pm and weekends, 3pm–10pm. Online chat is available 7pm–10pm daily.

Kidsline – 0800 54 37 54 (0800 kidsline) aimed at children up to 14 years of age; 4pm to 6pm weekdays


*Relationship services 0800 735-283

*Alcohol & Drug Helpline – 0800 787 797

*Sexuality or gender identity helpline -OUTLine NZ – 0800 688 5463 (OUTLINE)

*Are You OK – 0800 456 450 family violence helpline

*Gambling Helpline – 0800 654 655

*Shine – 0508 744 633 confidential domestic abuse helpline

*Quit Line – 0800 778 778 smoking cessation help

*Women’s Refuge Crisisline – 0800 733 843 (0800 REFUGE) (for women living with violence, or in fear, in their relationship or family)

*Shakti Crisis Line – 0800 742 584 (for migrant or refugee women living with family violence

*Rape Crisis – 0800 883 300 (for support after rape or sexual assault)

*Men’s Refuge –
24 hour Crisis Line 0800494734 and www.08004wiseguys.org

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Empire motoring Journalist, Vlogger and general larakin. Pro food and lifting heavy things.



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