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Gaming Giveaway with Pricespy!

PriceSpy Reveals the Hottest Games of May

PriceSpy has once again released its monthly report on the most-popular games in May. The rankings showcase the most highly-anticipated titles that gamers are looking to buy across various platforms.

According to PriceSpy’s popularity data, the game that pulled in the most clicks amongst gamers was The Legend of Zelda, which launched in May and claimed an impressive first and second position with its Collector’s Edition.

And it seems, the launch of the new Tears of Kingdom has revigorated interest in other old favourites – with PriceSpy’s data revealing gamers have also been looking to buy The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild, which launched over four years ago, in March 2017

Interestingly, another favourite that has stayed on PriceSpy’s top five popularity list since it launched back in February 2023, is Hogwarts Legacy, which ranked in at impressive fourth position in May.

Finally, the fifth most popular game for May was revealed to be Final Fantasy XVI, which launches this month.

Offering stunning visuals, epic storytelling, and the promise of an immersive fantasy adventure, Final Fantasy XVI is garnering significant interest from fans.

“May was an exciting month for gamers, with a diverse range of titles captivating the gaming community,” says Liisa Matinvesi-Bassett, New Zealand country manager for PriceSpy.

“The Legend of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom, Hogwarts Legacy, and Final Fantasy XVI, in particular, stood out as the most popular games during this period, highlighting the enduring appeal of beloved franchises and the excitement surrounding highly anticipated releases.”

“As always, for anyone that’s looking to buy a new game at the moment, we always suggest people first carry out important price research before making a purchase. This is because price points can change multiple times a day.”

PriceSpy’s five fundamental shopping tips:

⦁ Avoid panic buying and conduct thorough research using a reliable comparison site like ⦁ PriceSpy.
⦁ Assess a product’s price history to evaluate the value of current prices.
⦁ Consider purchasing second-hand if prices are too high.
⦁ Explore older models with favourable reviews as an alternative to expensive new releases.
⦁ Exercise patience and wait for prices to potentially decrease before making a purchase.

Download the PriceSpy app here.



Big thanks to Pricespy for hooking us up so we can hook you guys up!

IF you want to be in the draw, all you need to do is email us the game you’d be interested in out of that top 5 and your prefered platform and we’ll get in touch with some winners real soon!

Just email us comps@theempire.nz with the subject Pricespy and we’ll draw a winner by next week!

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Empire motoring Journalist, Vlogger and general larakin. Pro food and lifting heavy things.



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