I thought I had better kick off this blogging stuff with a bit of an introduction to myself. As you know, my name is Kelvin and I was born in South Africa and raised in Rotorua.

One of my earliest memories of hunting was when my family was back visiting the motherland (South Africa) when I was about 11 years old. My Uncle who is a mad keen hunter took my dad and I out for a hunt and I managed to bag myself both a Warthog and an Impala and was then pressured into eating a very raw and sun-baked piece of liver from the Impala as it was my “first kill.”
I was constantly harassing my very busy father to take me hunting and he was very supportive when time allowed and taught me at a young age the importance of firearms safety. I spent my teen years roaming the neighbour’s farms looking for rabbits, shooting goats, and trying to jump on every available hunting trip I could!
While I love chasing roaring stags around and getting up high in the South Island to get at a Tahr or Chamois, for me the most satisfying thing is providing meat for my family and friends. I’m always looking for a new way to utilize more of my kill. Everyone has their preferred methods when it comes to hunting and I by no means claim to be an expert. We never stop learning with hunting and I’ll be sure to share my mistakes and lessons learnt with all of you.

I’m really excited to start providing you guys with some good content! I’ll be doing gear reviews and updates on the hunts that I get out on, plus just having a general yarn about anything hunting related that might be of interest. Give me heaps of feedback in the comments, so I can work on bringing you the content that you guys enjoy the most!
Here’s a bit of a review I did on the new MRE’s from Omeals.
I’m not going to pretend that I shoot animals every time I go hunting, as the nature of some is, and I will be as non-biased as possible in my gear reviews. The aim of my content is simply to enable hunters to make educated decisions when spending their hard earned cash and to provide some entertainment and laughs along the way.
Also, I lied just a little. While I do enjoy the scenery and hard work of hunting down south, I would much rather shoot animals closer to sea level…
Till next time! – Kelvin
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