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Lockdown Giveaway via Twitch Thanks to Pricespy!

Hey Team,

The awesome people at Pricespy have yet again come to party and are hooking you guys up some games! and given we’re in Lockdown who doesn’t want a new game to play!

So here’s a word from them

PriceSpy report Nintendo Ring Fit Adventure outperforming new releases

If lockdown 3.0 caught you off guard and you didn’t have chance to stock up on toilet paper or the latest must-have games, PriceSpy has got you covered. Well, for the latter at least…

Teaming up with Empire Gaming, PriceSpy is offering one lucky person the chance to win two of the five most-popular games from January.

Based on what PriceSpyers clicked on PriceSpy can reveal the most-popular game across January was Ghost of Tsushima (PS4).

Attributable to Liisa Matinvesi-Bassett, New Zealand country manager for PriceSpy: “Despite launching in Winter 2020, Ghost of Tsushima (PS4) has risen back through our popularity rankings and is now placing impressively at number one.

“We believe this increase is most probably a direct result of a big price drop that took place towards the end of December, offering shoppers the opportunity to save $30 on the cost of purchase.

Liisa continues: “We tend to see these bigger price drops for new game releases three months after they first enter the market, but this one seems to have taken place a little later than expected.

“To always make sure gamers aren’t paying over the odds on games they are looking to buy, we always recommend shoppers carry out important pricing research.

Shoppers can even set up a quick an easy price alert on PriceSpy which automatically sends through a push notification if a price point drops below a certain point. It couldn’t be easier.

Download the PriceSpy app Here

We’re taking a look at the newly hot Valheim, a massive open world co-op adventure survival game tonight which will be live on our twitch channel >>> CHANNEL HERE <<<

Same old story – All you have to do is email us comps@theempire.nz with the subject ” Price Spy” – and let us know which of the 5 games that topped the charts in January you would like and for which console / platform

Must provide ID if requesting games that have a GSRB rating
Must be a New Zealand Resident
Must be a NZ postal address
Must be a fan of our social media – linked on the right side of the site.

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Empire motoring Journalist, Vlogger and general larakin. Pro food and lifting heavy things.



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