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KiwiPong Champs – Entry and Giveaway!

Hey Team!

Are you ready for the KiwiPong World Series?!

Gather your team, plan your strategies – And, we’ve got a draw to win one of our custom Tables that will be on the floor for the Tournament! Check these out!

We’re gona give away these tables – it’s super simple to enter – All you have to do is email us comps@theempire.nz with the subject ” Kiwipong” and let us know your team name and we’l pick winners at random! If you’re planning to enter let us know, we could enter a team? maybe win?? don’t be shit

To register a team hit the link here –> KIWIPONG WEBSITE

For all the latest info on the event Give Kiwipong a follow on the facebook

The Camps are being held in Auckland at the Town Hall on November 7th so get practising!

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Empire motoring Journalist, Vlogger and general larakin. Pro food and lifting heavy things.



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