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Fight Meals – What The Hell Am I Eating

Hey Guys and Gals,

With little under two weeks left to my fight, I’ve been trying to lose some of the extra bits of fat on my body.

Which for someone who lives of takeaways, has been a bit of a struggle. I’ve tried both MuscleChow and FitMeIn for meal prep options but wasn’t quite happy with either to provide me with what I need for intensive training along with losing weight.

So I started to prepare my own meals. Yay…meal prep.

For martial arts, my nutritional needs are a little different than if I was lifting weights, I need complex carbs to give me the energy to power through 2-3 hours of training per day, along with protein and a lot of vitamins etc… from both meats and vegetables.

To start losing what little fat I still had, I started cutting my calories, working out a meal for the week which was 30+% less calories than my recommended daily intake and making sure that I snacked on healthy foods such as nuts, instead of a BBQ bacon double cheeseburger like I usually do.

Over the last two weeks, I managed to cut between 2-3 kgs off while still keeping my muscles which is great.

The next two weeks I’ll be looking to cut off a little more to try and get down to 73kg’s (Fighting at 72) and I can just drop the remainder in water weight before weigh ins.

I’ll start lowering my carb intake over the tail end of this week and next, which is going to make training an absolute bitch with lower glycogen levels to give me energy. Cutting carbs also assists in losing water weight, as for each gram of glycogen that’s stored in my body, there will be 3-4g of water which is why it’s essential to cut down on the carbs and replenish it after weigh in, hopefully gaining back my full glycogen stores so that I’m full of energy for the fight.

It’s been an interesting learning process with the whole nutritional aspect of training for a fight and there is still plenty to learn for this time and my next fights.

Until next time!


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