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Milo Yiannopoulus Debate

I wanted to share this with you as I’ve been watching a lot of Milo’s interviews and debates of late and the reason I wanted to share this with you is he points out in his opening remarks of this debate that men can and are ridiculed in the public circle simply for being men, based on the idea that the gender equality pendulum as swung past equality putting men and a disadvantage to women which isn’t really what feminism was trying to do? not in the true sense of feminism, note I’m not talking here about third wave feminism to which I like to refer to as the third reich feminazi’s but the idea of true equality, which I support entirely

I wanted to share this particular video with you as I found it gives the most of what Milo is trying to say a fair hearing and has some interesting debate on the subject


To sort of highlight why I shared this skip to 30min 30 sec on the video – it goes into depth on the following meme


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Empire motoring Journalist, Vlogger and general larakin. Pro food and lifting heavy things.



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