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Present Moment Duality

The concept of present moment duality seems overly complex to write down yet extremely simple to understand. Without getting caught up in the infinite nature of things I’ll try and write down the knowledge that was awakened within myself. Four things to note: Firstly I’ll be primarily writing in terms of this physical reality. Secondly this is my perception therefore it’s subject to change at any given moment. Thirdly if you understand the forth point you understand life.

The examples I use could literally be anything but for simplicity and my own personal novelty I’ll use the experience of writing this all down.

Newton said that “For every action there is an equal and opposite reaction.” and building on that I’m saying that “For every perception of the current moment there is an equal and opposite perception for that same moment.”. For example whilst writing this down I can identify that my motivation is on a sliding scale. On one hand I want to share this knowledge and on the other I couldn’t care less. It’s amazing to come to the realisation that for the present moment experience (writing this down) there are multiple ways and levels of intensity that I can perceive the experience. The fact is for everything we experience there are an infinite number of ways we can perceive the experience (good-bad, positive-negative, happy-sad and all the shades in-between).

Some argue that we’re here to experience the ups and downs of life or to word it differently experience the dualistic nature of life. At certain levels of awareness to be able to experience the high highs we must also experience the low lows. To truly understand the highs we must live and work through the lows as well. This is a very turbulent state of mind and with all the peaks (highs) and troughs (lows) it’s hard to gauge where we’ll be at any given moment. The beauty of identifying this mindset is that it allows us to start the process of altering our perception at will.

So now we have identified that mindset we can practice the art of altering our perceptions of our experiences. We can start to live in our ‘hippy haze’ and perceive everything as pure love. The unfortunate nature of this new mindset is that humans inherently want more of a good thing e.g. more friends, more music festivals, more love, more more more. This sets us up for failure as the search for more happiness and love is insatiable and can never truly be realised.

So what’s next? The simplest way to word it would be the merging of perceptions (two become one) for every present moment we experience. This process is the convergence of our dualistic perceptions aka the crystallisation process. This allows us to step into an observer role where every experience can be viewed as equal because our perception of the experience has been equalled out and removed from the equation. For me this has led to living life in the present moment and the ability to enjoy and witness the beauty for every experience for exactly what it is. For example the moments where I have no motivation to write this are equally as beautiful as the moments where I have total inspiration. Therefore the experience of writing this is equal to the experience of not writing this. Both are the most amazing things ever! It’s all a choice.

Stop here.

Picture this: “It’s always darkest before the dawn.”. So the closer we get to dawn the darker it gets right? Try your best to ignore that physical fact that it’s not actually the darkest before dawn but rather see it as your awakening to different levels of awareness. The more you try and wake up and become enlightened the darker it’ll get. The moment to remove all desire to awaken is the moment you’ll wake up and realise that you are what you have been searching for the whole time.

“Enlightenment is an unreachable destination but rather a realisation that we are what we have been searching for the whole time.”

Alan Montefiore

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Empire motoring Journalist, Vlogger and general larakin. Pro food and lifting heavy things.



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