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St Ranga!!

Bloodnut released their brand new album “St Ranga” today, “St Ranga” is the 2nd album from these Doom/Sludge metalers and it’s a hard hitting, head banging beast!!

As you can likely tell from the album title and the band name there is a ginger theme going on and if you’ve heard of Bloodnut before you will surely know this from their debut “Blues From The Red Sons.” The debut caught a bit of traction based on the unique and humorous themes and “St Ranga” definitely follows on in suit and takes it up a notch!!

If you’re a fan of kiwi metal gods Beastwars you should definitely give Bloodnut a listen, and if you don’t have a clue who i’m on about then give it a listen anyway!

They are offering lighters, patches, and donating 10% of sales to Melanoma NZ, check out the link below to purchase or have a bit of a listen!



Also available on Spotify, Itunes, and at Real Groovy in Auckland!

Here is their track “Burning Bush” from “St Ranga” to whet your appetite.



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