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Top 5 Fathers Day Gift Ideas

IF you’re like me and you’ve left it till the last minute here are some Ideas

Car wash and detail

I’ve been using Meguairs since they sponsored a video maybe 4 years ago, I use this on Harold all the time and all the review cars which is why they always look spiffy. You can get everything you need at repco that’s where I go. A combo of Wash & Wax and an Ultimate Quic Wax with a couple micro fiber towels should be a nice little package to make the old boys ride shine!


Heat and Eat BBQ

Those of you that saw the fist episode of Mean Eats will have seen the products we used from Texas BBQ foods – Basically its quality BBQ meat sliced and vacum sealed then all you need to do is heat it up and make your creations

You can pick and mix your own or grab one of the preset packs with a bit of everything – we love it and highly reccomend it – Available HERE

Brew your Own Beer Experience

Many vlogs ago we went with Dave to The Occasional Brewer in Wellington – Basically they hold your hand through the process and for a couple hundy you end up with 40 litres of great beer of your choosing and you can tell all your mates you made it yourself – This is a great day hanging out with whoever you choose to take with you – the crew there are fun and encourage a good time had by all. Granted its only in wellington but hey – make a weekend of it!


Join the Now of Technology

Is your old man still in the dark ages when it comes to technology? does he need to be hurled into the 21st century so he can keep up with what the grandkids are doing and send you the same selfie every day for the forseeable future? We reviewed the Samsung Galaxy Note 9 recently and its the cutting edge of mobile technology – if nothing else it’l keep him quiet for days finding out all the features of this new flagship!


Personal Grooming

Always an easy one – the old boy needs to shave and perhaps this time you can up the game and throw in some face care? A while back we used a bunch of Captain Grooms products for a piece about dudes looking after themselves are were really impressed with what they sent through – so give them a crack maybe some shaving gear, maybe some face care maybe some beard oil – you know ya Dad better than we do so make him a little care package and he’l love the quality of these products!


Of course a bottle of his favorite plonk will never go a miss

All of these items in this list we’ve had personal involvement with and put these forward on the assumption we think they are great – we wouldn’t put anything in the list if we thought it was shit – its not a paid promotion, just things we know are good that the old boy might like!

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Empire motoring Journalist, Vlogger and general larakin. Pro food and lifting heavy things.



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