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ULTIMEATUM by Burgerfuel – Burger Review

Hey Team,

Again apologies its been a while between burgers, it’s hard to find new places all the time! but we can count on Burgerfuel to keep new burger specials coming out on the regular so..

Full Disclosure – I paid for the food and they had no idea it was being reviewed. We went to Ponsonby Burgerfuel cause we were in the area and had seen the sign for a new special burger

Why here? well, cause it was new and we were up at Sony HQ for a game release, which was Ezi’s first night out as a serious gaming journalist living in Auckland so needless to say, I had to take him somewhere nice for dinner!

So, The ULTIMEATUM – branding is very UFC based

100% pure grass fed NZ beef
Beef Brisket
Tasty Bacon
Truffle Mascarpone
Parmesan cheese
Cheddar Cheese
Salad ( tomato and lettuce)
Wholemeal bun


Now first up, $16 bucks for a burger ain’t fuckin cheap.. even by Burgerfuel standards. but given its got pulled beef brisket and bacon, two not cheap things this had better be good right?

Size wise its a bigger burger for burgefuel, by that I mean its their larger size buns but very well packed with meat, hence the idea which for quantity alone they nailed it wasn’t the easiest thing to finish, You’l definitely want to bring an appetite for this one. Mouth feel is all important, I would have liked the bacon to be crispy to give another texture, I also thought it could have been leaner, yeah its streaky bacon but it had more fat than bacon and given it wasn’t crispy it was just lumps of fat which kinda killed the bacon for me. I wouldn’t say this was a messy burger either, sometimes with this many meats happening its easy to get messy, this held together well – not to say it was dry but it certainly wasn’t falling apart or causing a puddle.

The brisket was done well, I mean, it wasn’t low n slow but a solid effort and well seasoned, This was when we pulled it out of the burger to taste it on its own, as part of a bite for bite situation the brisket flavour was easy to lose in the mix of all the other things going on, this is a very cheesey burger with a generous slide of Cheddar and the kick of the parmesan. Once all the flavours were mixed together it just seemed like a really elaborate cheese burger without being something really different and wow like the venison blue cheese from a while back.

It’s a good burger with many levels but knowing what this tastes like now ( a big fancy cheese burger ) I’d rather go for an American muscle, albeit greasier I kinda feel like thats the direction I’d like to go with a big cheese burger. So really this is a very well packed burger with some subtle hints but nothing really out there, unlike the Peanut butter and Jelly burger which was a fantastic out there idea.

Until next time burger lovers !

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Empire motoring Journalist, Vlogger and general larakin. Pro food and lifting heavy things.



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