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2 Months To Fight – Getting back into training

So it’s finally happened.

After a year and a half of training, I’m hopefully having a fight on the 25th of March. To say that I’m excited is an understatement, though there’s also a whole bunch of nervousness and butterfly’s in there as well.

After taking 3 weeks off training over Christmas, I finally got my ass back into the gym and started trying to get myself back into shape. This also involved trying to start running.

Now I’m not the biggest fan of running, I’m slow and my earbuds keep falling out of my ears and it’s just overall not the best experience. That being said, with the recent development of the Onehunga Foreshore, I’m actually starting to enjoy the whole running thing. The water sometimes doesn’t smell like crap, and on those days, you’re in for a real treat.

All the training is starting to catch up with me though, with between 2 – 3 hours a day of training, 4-5 days a week. My body has had a pretty big hurdle to overcome to get as fit as I was last year. It also takes a big toll on the social life, not that I’ve had much of one since having had my motorcycle stolen. Most nights I’ll get home around 9.30, where it’s then time to eat and head to bed before getting up the next morning to do it all over again.

I’m most excited to finally get in the ring with someone that I can test my skills with when not holding back, sparring is all well and good, but you aren’t generally trying to actively hurt the other person, whereas in the ring, driving a knee into someones ribs as hard as you can is not only completely acceptable, but it’s encouraged. I can kick and punch as hard as I want but then I’ll also get kicked and punched just as hard back.

It’s going to be an interesting experience to say the least and I’ll try to get some cool training vids up so show you a little bit about Muay Thai training.

I’ve also had to cut my usual diet, which consisted of Curry, Pizza, and Thai food. I’m far too lazy to cook for myself so I trialed both Muscle Chow and Fit Me In, which are pre-prepared meals targeted towards people who work out and want to get a healthy meal without any of the effort.

Overall the experience has been alright, with neither of the two really being any better than the other, though the only thing I can note with Muscle Chow from what I’ve noticed is that the vegetable side of things is very much on the sparse side of things.

After trying both, I decided to try and get around to a little bit of meal prep this weekend, though that never happened because I spent both Saturday and Sunday and the beach, so it looks like I might be eating a little bit of takeaways for another week until I can get my shit together.

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