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Age of Empires 4 announced for PC

Empires is back!

12 years, finally after 12 god damn years of playing Age of Empires 2: The Age of Kings, because I didn’t like the third one and there was no new AoE installment looking at coming out at all.

Now there is a new age upon us! Age of Empires 4! Is currently in development for Windows 10 PC, was the announcement by the publisher Microsoft Studios today at Gamescom 2017. The return of the great real-time strategy franchise is lead by Relic Entertainment who have gladly taken the reins from Ensemble Studios who had developed the three main previous games, 1997’s Age of Empires, 1999’s Age of Empires: The Age of Kings and 2005’s Age of Empires 3. Unfortunately, Ensemble Studios have been shut down since 2009.

The Developer

Relic Entertainment are highly praised for their development of real-time strategy franchises. Most noteworthy as the old school Homeworld, the second world war based Company of Heroes in addition to the everlasting military science fiction Warhammer 40,000: Dawn of War. Each franchise has multiple titles with outstanding positive reviews. Have faith in Relic for they have proved themselves as an Empire of real-time strategy games.

Relic added to their website “We can’t wait to tap into our strengths as a studio to fuse historical context with deep strategic gameplay, and to bring this franchise back to the forefront of gaming and into the hands of its beloved community.”


The trailer shows concept art of Native Americans, Roman Legionaries, the Japanese Samurai and British Redcoats. Therefore we may see playable empires from different eras. As a result this can lead to a lot of varied and strategic gameplay. No word on a release date yet, though we are maybe looking at late/early 2018/2019.

Roman Legionary Concept Art

Check out the official announcement trailer below!


Most of all, Vikings are the best civilization of course
– Hayden

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Hayden Biddick
Empire gamer, 2IC Tech Cave dweller, esports fanatic and part time movie goer/reviewer



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