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New Old Shapes? are they what they were?

Well, shit

The whole country went into collapse when Arnotts changed their Shapes to ” New and Improved” there were harsh words spoken on the line about peoples displeasure with the new taste, far to harsh for these ears and eyes. Needless to say, people were not happy, not happy at all. Arnotts posted on social media that there would not be a re release of the old flavours, then the internet started to make noises about bringing back the old flavours..

Personally Pizza shapes were part of my game night ritual so this was exciting for me, and after Arnotts screwed the pooch with the new pizza I had to get my hands on some, then I see pictures online the old ones are back. The super market shelves were calling this BS, Hype and lies… BUT THEN YOU’LL NEVER GUESS WHAT HAPPENED!

well ok i’ll tell you, I get a call from my cousin saying a ” Package” with arnotts on it was at my other house.. WELL , what would this be??


But are they what I remember? Is this georgie pie all over again??

First one was something to the effect of ” holy shit they are back, never do this to me again” like make up sex with an ex

But on that same metaphor, something was different, the feeling wasn’t the same.. Something changed…

Was it me? was it her? further investigation showed that yea ok they more or less tasted the same but, Remember with Pizza you could get that bit at the end of a bag of all the red and yellow cheese and tomato bits? and you’d lick your finger to get it all out? well that’s not a thing anymore… and it was kinda the best bit ..

Flavour you can see, well yeah but now its 2 dimensional

I can’t see much, I can taste it.. but

It’s good that they listened to what people wanted, but I think there is another step in evolution before its back to where it was

– Nick

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Empire motoring Journalist, Vlogger and general larakin. Pro food and lifting heavy things.



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